Revisiting the last 200 years of psychiatry, looking for the origin of concepts and prejudices about mental illness.
Francisco Moniz Pereira
Psychiatrist, psychotherapist.
Psychiatry assistant in the psychosocial rehabilitation service at Júlio de Matos Hospital: inpatient, outpatient, residential units.
Assistant professor of psychopathology in the psychology degree at the Autonomous University of Lisbon.
Maintains support consultation for refugees.
He worked in geriatrics.
He worked with drug addicts, both in outpatient settings and in therapeutic communities.
Master's degree in psychiatry: Psychiatric disorders in drug addicts.
PhD in Psychology: Support for caregivers of people with dementia.
Bastos H., Polido F., Braz Saraiva C.. History of psychiatry, in Saraiva & Cerejeira, Fundamental Psychiatry, Lidel, 2014.
Amorim Rodrigues V., Snake oil, an essay on contemporary psychiatric practice. Dom Quixote, 1997
Cyrulnik B., Lemoine P., La folle histoire des idées folles en psychiatrie. Odile Jacob, 2020.