16 Nov 2023 - 11:00 | 16 Nov 2023 - 13:00

Auditorium 1

The realities analyzed and the projections of various national and international organizations are strongly conditioned by the past and the more or less adverse context generated by fierce conflicts in some parts of the world, with repercussions on economies in any global geography. The unprecedented nature of the current economic, financial and, naturally, social crisis, characterized by the interaction of shocks on the supply side and, in addition, on the demand side, reinforce each other. This fact must take into account the much higher than usual degree of uncertainty. The magnitude of the drop in economic activity in the short term, or cyclical, and its subsequent recovery in the long term, judged by structural reforms, depend, among other factors, on the interaction of the economic policies implemented. In addition to the containment measures, which directly imply the interruption of the activity of many companies and restrictions on the mobility of citizens, there are added the negative effects of uncertainty on the intentions of private consumption, public consumption and investment. Conversely, it is essential to consider the impact of economic policy measures adopted by political authorities, originating from the executive branch, which aim to mitigate these effects, such as the greater monetary accommodation announced by the main Central Banks. There are also government measures to reinforce social protection, safeguard workers' income and maintain companies' liquidity. In dealing with this economic management dichotomy, which will be addressed at this event, the need to prepare a structural economic restructuring plan becomes essential, without neglecting short-term administration. How to do it? This is the focus of the Conference theme.




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