On May 18th, the Universidade Aut贸noma de Lisboa hosted a meeting for former management course students, an event that brought together 125 former students who had the opportunity to relive memories and emotions associated with the time they spent at this institution (1989- 1994). 馃帗

The meeting was marked by moments of great nostalgia, with participants remembering stories and experiences shared during their years of study. Many met colleagues and teachers again, strengthening bonds that time could not erase. Between laughter and hugs, the atmosphere was one of celebration and recognition of each person's academic and professional journey.

The meeting also served to highlight the role of the Universidade Aut贸noma de Lisboa in training excellent professionals in the area of management. The exchange of experiences was another highlight, reinforcing the sense of community among former students.
A moment that shows that the bonds created at university last and continue to be a source of support and inspiration throughout life.