Marco Roque de Freitas addresses the place of expressive practices, namely music, in the “sound construction of a nation” in a post-colonial context – the People’s Republic of Mozambique – during the “socialist experience” between 1974 and 1994, based on three interconnected perspectives: cultural policy, broadcasting and music industries. It also explores how a set of “changes” – political, cultural and musical – collaborated in the process of creating the sound values of a nation, without forgetting the role of different actors – politicians, cultural decision makers, journalists, musicians , producers – in participating in and reacting to these very changes. Various subjects are explored, such as musical categorization, phonographic production systems, the role of radio broadcasting, as well as the relationship between different sound representations and their various political and social contexts.
Marco Roque de Freitas
Junior Researcher CEECind (Institute of Ethnomusicology: Center for Studies in Music and Dance – NOVA FCSH)
Invited Assistant Professor at the Department of Musical Sciences (NOVA FCSH)