The Autonomous TechLab – Center for Research in Technologies – is a new research unit at UAL, integrated in the Department of Sciences and Technologies (DCT).
As established in its statutes, Autonoma TechLab's main purpose is to promote and disseminate research, development and permanent scientific, technical and professional training of its associates and third parties in the field of Sciences and Technologies, in particular Computer Science and Electrotechnics, and of the respective auxiliary and related subjects taught in the study cycles” of the UAL/DCT.
Yours research strategy, according to the guidelines defined by the DCT, focuses on the following points:
- Promoting the number and quality of publications by its researchers;
- Develop Research Projects, with emphasis on Applied Research, particularly in partnership with other entities;
- Integrate external, national and foreign projects (FCT, Horizonte 2020, etc.);
- Participation in other studies, consultancy or projects, namely those that may generate a source of funding.
The Autonomous TechLab has DCT faculty researchers with multidisciplinary skills in areas:
- Computer Networks / Wireless
- machine learning
- Image Processing
- big data
- Internet of Things
- Geographic Information Systems
- Information and Knowledge Structuring and Management
- Information and Communication Technologies for development + education (Health systems, e-business, e-teaching, e-learning)
The Sea presents itself as an application domain for technologies, in parallel with Territory and the organizational / business environment.
The ongoing investigation is distributed through the following Lines of Investigation:
- Signal Processing for Telecommunications Systems
- Internet of Things
- big data
- Sea Technology
- Unmanned Vehicles, in particular Drones
- Geographic Information Systems
- Information and Communication Technologies for development + education (Health systems, e-business, e-teaching, e-learning)
Researchers from this Center maintain links with other research entities (Instituto de Telecomunicações; Center for Computing and Social Responsibility, UK) that enhance networked research.
Autonoma LabTech benefits from partnerships that the DCT has with external entities, such as the Department of Oceanography and Fisheries of the University of the Azores, the Mission Structure for the Extension of the Continental Shelf and the company YDreams. More advanced students from the DCT study cycles have the opportunity to collaborate on projects, as is currently the case in “Unmanned Vehicles, in particular, Drones” or “Sea Technology”.
This Research Center in collaboration with other Centers, Departments of UAL (Architecture and Economic and Business Sciences) and national partners, are currently developing a project-initiative, within the scope of the project Urban Logistics Cluster Lisbon & Tagus Valley Regiondo Cluster DOROTHY which brings together four European regions: Tuscany (Italy), the Lisbon and Tagus Valley Region (Portugal), Valencia (Spain) and Olténia (Romania).