9 May 2024 - 09:00 | 10 May 2024 - 17:00

Auditorium 1

09:00 Opening Session – Conversation with Manuela Tavares (CIEG/UMAR) and Ana Barradas (Journalist, writer and translator).
10:30 Session 1 – Women in the Press and media
Maria João Silvestre (NEW): All Different, All Equal. Analysis of representations of the female figure in Portuguese anthologies from the third to fifth year of the Estado Novo and from the seventh to ninth class of the 1990s, in force in the Mozambican space
Daniela Sofia Neto (Coimbra/CES): The Students in the Student Movement of the 1960s in Coimbra: a look from the Student Newspaper “Via Latina”Ana Carolina Jesus (UA): The female conquest in local power – press portraits

12:30 Lunch break

14:00 Session 2 – Artistic and cultural expressions
Dalila Maria Teixeira Milheiro (CEG/UAb; CEMRI/UAb; CLEPUL/FLUL): Ana Hatherly – Words and Art in Freedom
Andreia Santos Silva (UEVORA): Maria Clementina Carneiro de Moura (1898-1992): woman artist, teacher, activist, citizen, exemplary democrat
Vera Araújo (UC): 3 women, 3 stories: art, gender and revolution

15:45 Break

16:00 Session 3 – Women and PREC (I)
Isabel Araújo Branco (CHAM/NOVA): Maria Lamas: And after April?
Pâmela Cabreira (IHC/NOVA): Self-management and popular power during the PREC: the workers at the Sogantal factory
Maria Ana Bernardo (UEVORA): Plural voices: women in perspective. April 25th in rural Alentejo

09:00 Session 4 – Work and women
Ana Rita Cardoso: Women's Work and its Conditionalisms during the Estado Novo (1933-1974)
Nuno Oliveira Prates/Ricardo Hipólito (CESEM-NIM/NOVA): Alpiarcense women at work and in politics: stories of resistance.
Paulo Marques Alves (ISCTE; DINÂMIA'CET-IUL): The participation of women in the trade union movement during the revolutionary period
João Moreira (CHAM/NOVA): Women and the female issue in Portuguese Trotskyist organizations (1974-1975)

11:00 Break

11:20 Reproduction of the film “Applied Magnetics – the beginning of a fight”  (Cinequipa/RTP, uncredited directing by Fernando Matos Silva, 1974) /Duration: 43 minutes

Debate with Pâmela Cabreira

12:30 Lunch break 

14:00 Session 5 – Body, education and subjectivities
Andreia Rodrigues (HTC-CFE/NOVA): The long struggle for the decriminalization of abortion in Portugal. The debate in the Assembly of the Republic (1974-1982)
Mariana Azevedo and Marília Gago (UMinho): “The evolution of women’s freedom in Portugal”: students’ ideas about gender and change in History
Isabel Cluny (CHAM/NOVA): Two perspectives on teaching and trade unionism in the post-25th of April
Maria Irene da Fonseca (UFRJ): Where were you and what were you doing, a Portuguese emigrant woman, on April 25, 1974?

15:45 Break

4:00 pm Session 6 – Women and PREC (II)
Paulo Marques Alves (ISCTE; DINÂMIA'CET-IUL): Women activists: the process of joining the militant union action of Maria Emília Reis, Judite Faquinha and Lurdes Domingues
Ana Barradas (Journalist, writer and translator): The back and forth of women's struggles
Marcela Uchoa (IEF/UC): The political absence of women on the 25th of April and the thermidor of emancipation
Dulce Morgado Neves, Ana Rita Monteiro and Tatiana Matos (CIES/ISCTE): Between the lines of resistance: motherhood and childhood in the bulletin “A Voz das Comaradas”

The Revolution of April 25th is 50 years old and to celebrate the fall of the fascist dictatorship of the Estado Novo, we invite the scientific and non-scientific community to send proposals for interventions in order to enhance the investigations that focused on the issue of women in the Portuguese Revolution .


Call for papers


Several feminist organizations played a significant role in expanding the debate on the condition of Portuguese women and in preserving female memory. Among these organizations, the Women's Democratic Movement (MDM), the Women's Liberation Movement (MLM) and the Union of Alternative and Response Women (UMAR) stand out. Furthermore, the contemporary creation of scientific journals whose central objective is the study of women's history, as is the case of Faces of Eva Magazine and gives ex aequo, illustrates how this impulse towards the future of the relationship between women and society must be restructured and continually strengthened. However, the historiography relating to the revolutionary period (both institutionally and socioculturally) still favors a “policy of exclusion and silencing” of women (Stevens, 2010).

Having said this, it is essential to highlight that we are currently witnessing new efforts, especially by female researchers, to understand the period of April 25, 1974 as a space of disputes and contradictions, where they played strategic roles in leading this revolutionary process. In addition to this historiographical perspective, it is important to highlight the role of social communication as “an important part in the political struggles and transformations that take place” (Rezola & Gomes, 2014). Whether through newspapers linked to political groups, daily newspapers or the controversies that involved radio and television during disputes between the military, parties and popular organizations, these topics are fundamental as sources for understanding this revolutionary past.

In order to overcome the fact that women are subjected to an “ocean of silence”, we seek contributions that aim to promote a public debate on the historical role of women, considering an intersectional approach that takes into account, mainly, class, gender and race. Although we have a particular interest in the areas of culture, customs, politics and social relations, we are open to other perspectives that prioritize women as an active and central object of investigation.



Organizing committee:
Ana Barradas (Journalist)
Ana Catarina Maia (FCSH-UNL)
Livia Cassemiro Sampaio (UAL)
Pâmela Peres Cabreira (NOVA/FCSH/IHC)
Teresa Melo (CDT: Feminism, Sexual Politics and Visual Culture/IRPH; Loughborough University]


Scientific commission:
Bruno Reis (UAL)
Joana Craveiro (NOVA/FCSH/IHC)
Livia Cassemiro Sampaio (UAL)
Manuela Tavares (CIEG/UMAR)
Maria do Carmo Piçarra (UAL- NOVA/FCSH/ICNOVA)
Maria José Magalhães (FPCEUP)
Pâmela Peres Cabreira (NOVA/FCSH/IHC)
Raquel Varela (NOVA/FCSH)
Virgínia Ferreira (FEUC/CES)


Bibliographic references:

  • Abadia, DM (2010). Jornal Combate and the autonomist social struggles in Portugal during the Carnation Revolution (1974-1978) [Master's thesis, Federal University of Goiás]. https://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/items/67893fba-7f37-44ed-b423-1944d753cca5
  • Accornero, G. (2013). Student mobilization in the process of political radicalization during Marcelism. Social Analysis, nº 208, XLVIII (3rd), 572-591.Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon
  • Almeida, AN, & Wall, K. (2001). Family and everyday life: movements and signs of change. In JMB de Brito (Coord.), The country in revolution (vol. II, pp. 277 – 307). Editorial News
  • Cabreira, PP (2020). The self-management of Sogantal workers during the Portuguese revolutionary period: an analysis according to the newspaper Combate (1974-1975). In. AS Ferreira, & J. Madeira (Eds.) The Iberian radical left between dictatorship and democracy: crossed paths. Colibri Editions
  • Costa, MFVV. (1975). The Carnation. Morais Editors
  • Ferreira, V. (2010). The Equality of Women and Men at Work and Employment in Portugal: Policies and Circumstances. Editorial from the Ministry of Education
  • Gomes, M. (2019). The feminine side of the Carnation Revolution. Storia e Futuro, Rivista di Storia e Storiografia Contemporanea online, 51. https://storiaefuturo.eu/lado-feminino-revolucao-dos-cravos/
  • Kergoat, D. (2018). Fight, they say….SOS Body
  • Mascarenhas, JM (1999). April Woman. City Hall, Republic and Resistance Museum Library
  • Oliveira, L. T. (2004). Students and People in the Revolution. Student Civic service (1974-1977). Celtic
  • Patriarca, F. (1982). Taylor in Purgatory: Workers' work in heavy metalworking. Social Analysis, vol. XVIII (71), 1982-2nd, 435–530. http://analisesocial.ics.ul.pt/documentos/1223399927E6cPB5rt7Oi38ZK6.pdf
  • Perrot, M. (2005). Women or the silences of history. Edusc
  • Rezola, M. I. (2007). April 25, Myths of a Revolution. The Sphere of Books
  • Rezola, MI & Gomes, PM (2014). The Revolution in the Media. Chinese ink
  • Stevens, C. (2010). Gender and feminisms: (in)disciplinary convergences. Ex Libris
  • Strippoli, G. (2022). Women's Transnational Activism against Portugal's Colonial Wars. International Review of Social History, 67(S30), 209-236. doi:10.1017/S0020859022000037
  • Tavares, M. (2000). Women's Movement in Portugal. 70s and 80s. Horizon Books
  • Tavares, M. (2021). The participation of women on April 25, 1974 in Pragal. UMAR Edition
  • Varela, R. (2014). History of the People in the Portuguese Revolution 1974-1975. Bertrand Editora