From a Development perspective, the actualization of the potential of Being spreads across different Times and Modes.
The view of this development can be in the sense of “blossoming”, of “unfolding”, or from the external view of the same development, as Carlos Caldeira would say, quoting Sartre, from “IN ITSELF”, or from “FOR ITSELF”…
The Socio-Anthropological System is interested not only in the functioning of the Being in a situation of encounter between his inner world and the outer world that circumscribes and conditions him, but even more particularly in the updating of relational dimensions and the optimization of functioning in the structuring and realization of his personal project that gives meaning to his existence.
João Hipólito, graduated in Medicine from the University of Lourenço Marques, PhD in Child Neuropsychiatry from the University of Geneva, recognized as equivalent by Portuguese universities, PhD in Psychology from the University of Algarve. Full Professor at the Autonomous University of Lisbon.
Specialist in Psychiatry and Child Psychiatry by the Portuguese Medical Association (OMP) and the Swiss Medical Association (FMH), Specialist in Psychotherapy for Children, Adolescents and Adults (FMH.
He was responsible for a Sector of the Medical-Pedagogical Service of Geneva, Chief Physician of the Plátanos Clinic in Fribourg and of the Hospital of the Northern Sector of the Canton of Vaud, Director of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the Independent University of Lisbon, was co-founder of the Psychology Course of the Autonomous University of Lisbon and Director of the Department of Psychology and Sociology of the same University.
He was President of the Society of Anthropoanalysis, founder and President of the Portuguese Society of Client-Centered Psychotherapy and Person-Centered Approach, from which he resigned for ethical reasons, founder and honorary President of the Portuguese Association of Person-Centered Psychotherapy and Counseling. Founding member of PCE-Europe and WAPCEPC.
President of the Portuguese Federation of Psychotherapy (FEPPSI)
Member of several national and international scientific societies
Caldeira, C. (1979). Sociopsychiatric Analysis of a Therapeutic Community. Application of the anthropoanalytic model in social psychiatry. Doctoral Thesis. Lisbon
Campiche, C; Hippolyte, C; Hipólito, J. (1992) The Community as Center. Lisbon, Portugal: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.
Hippolytus, J. (2011). Self-organization and Complexity – Evolution and Development of Rogerian Thought (org. Nunes, O.). Lisbon, Portugal: Editorial.