19 Oct 2023 - 18:30


The Therapeutic Theater Group (GTT) was founded in 1968, at a paradigmatic moment in the history of psychiatry in Portugal and the world. Since then, he has developed pioneering work and, as far as we know, he is the only one in the world who has never interrupted his activity. Over the years, it has created its own identity and methodology in approaching mental health within the scope of psychosocial rehabilitation — in accordance with the rules and discipline of theater, in symbiosis with the discipline and therapeutic rules. From this symbiosis, a fruitful space in trust, community and creativity emerges, allowing those who participate in it to develop skills and acquire tools that enable personal development, management of the stress, anxiety and conflicts. Dance Movement Therapy (DMT) further explores this space, now not just that of words, enabling the discovery, expansion and change of a habitual movement pattern, facilitating non-verbal communication and inter and intrapersonal relationships. Thus, it is finally possible to reintegrate users into a space from which they were often excluded — society.


Dr. Liliane Viegas
Born in Morocco, of French culture and Portuguese nationality. Professional dancer, dance teacher and freelance choreographer between 1979 and 1999. Graduate in Clinical Psychology at ISPA (2000), Postgraduate in Sport and Physical Activity Psychology (ISPA, 2003) and Postgraduate in Dance Movement Therapy and Language Non-Verbal at UAL (2005). Training in Bioenergetic Analysis by APAB/IIBA (2000/2006). Specialist in Clinical and Health Psychology and Psychotherapy by the Order of Portuguese Psychologists. Dance Movement Therapist at the Rehabilitation Service of the Centro Hospitalar Psiquiátrico de Lisboa since 2003 to date, where she works with groups and individuals in different contexts (day hospital and day area, community structures, inpatient care, outpatient consultation). He has been part of the technical team of the Therapeutic Theater Group since 2008. 

Dr. André Carvalho 
Born in Lisbon, with a Master's degree in Theater Studies from the Faculty of Arts, he began his career in theater in 2012, in university theater (mISCuTEm, ISCTE-IUL). The following year, he volunteered for the Therapeutic Theater Group (GTT) at Júlio de Matos Hospital, currently the Lisbon Psychiatric Hospital Center, where he performed numerous functions. He has co-founded the cooperative Resina Teatro since 2016 (the show Os Vigilantes premiered that same year, at A Comuna – Teatro de Pesquisa). After the death of his Master, João Silva, in 2018, he took over the co-supervision of the GTT's theater area with António Vicente, where he works as director and playwright, under the supervision of therapist Isabel Cristina Calheiros. He wrote, for GTT, the originals Quadriptico Terapêutico, Linha-d'água and apeiron. He completed two O Method training courses, with Marcia Haufrecht (The Actors Studio, New York), in 2014 and 2015. He is also a freelance text reviewer, having worked with the publishers Cavalo de Ferro, Elsinore, Temas & Debates, Bazarov and Alma of Books. 


Bibliographic references:
Braten, S. (2007). On Being Moved – From Mirror Neurons to Empathy. John Benjamin Publishing Company.
Jones, Phil (1996). Drama as Therapy. Theater as Living. Routledge.
Silva, J. (2010). Threshold. Iron Horse.

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