Room 56, Palace of the Counts of Redondo, UAL

This Workshop aims to provide students with simple tools and techniques for stress management and time management that allow them to better control the various anxiety factors such as assessment periods; being displaced from their usual residence, initial contact with the university, exhaustion caused by poor time management and disregard for the natural cycles of activity and rest, leading to poor energy management.

The knowledge and tools acquired allow you to achieve better academic results with less effort and anxiety, increase self-confidence and improve relationships with colleagues and teachers.

This Workshop will have Professor José Magalhães as speaker.



On the 20th, the Stress and Time Management Workshop was held, with the Professor and Psychologist, José Magalhães, revealing that negative stress can eventually be transformed into positive stress when you enjoy what you do, otherwise you won't be able to do it. you have the chance to manage the stress or time you have.

Stress is the physical and emotional response to events that represent a challenge or threat. Eustress: Positive stress that motivates and improves performance. Distress: Negative stress that can cause physical and mental health problems.

External factors, causes of Stress Work, financial problems, relationships, etc. Internal factors: Self-demand, perfectionism, pessimism.

Deep breathing helps reduce immediate tension. Meditation and Mindfulness also promote focus on the present and reduce anxiety, and regular physical activity helps release endorphins, improving mood. One should have a healthy diet, adequate sleep, and healthy hobbies.

Lifestyle changes: Time management: plan and prioritize tasks to reduce overload and know how to say “no” and delegate tasks when necessary.

Time Management Techniques – To-Do List: Write down tasks to be done and mark them as completed; Divide the work into 25-minute intervals with short breaks in between; Set aside specific blocks of time for specific tasks.

Effective stress and time management is essential to improving quality of life and general well-being. Using appropriate techniques and tools can transform how you deal with daily obligations, promoting a more balanced and productive life.