

Law No. 71/98, of 3 November – Bases of the legal framework for volunteering.

Decree-Law No. 389/99, of September 30th – Regulates Law No. 71/98, of November 3rd, which established the basis of the legal framework for volunteering.

Resolution of the Council of Ministers no. 50 (2nd series), of March 30, 2000 (published in DR, II series, no. 94, of April 20) – Defines the composition and functioning of the National Council for the Promotion of Volunteering.

Resolution of the Assembly of the Republic no. 7/99, of 19 February – Approves, for ratification, the Treaty of Amsterdam, which amends the Treaty on European Union, the Treaties establishing the European Communities and some acts relating to these Treaties, including the Annex and the Protocols, as well as the Final Act with the Declarations, including 38, relating to volunteer activities.

Decree-Law No. 40/89, of February 12th – Establishes voluntary social insurance, an optional contributory scheme within the scope of Social Security, in which volunteers can be included. Voluntary social insurance was adapted to volunteering by Decree-Law No. 389/99, of 30 September.