MARCH: Colorectal Cancer Prevention Month

Colorectal Cancer Prevention Month

Colorectal Cancer Prevention Month


During the month of March, the Portuguese League Against Cancer highlights the Prevention of Colorectal Cancer, with the aim of raising awareness among the population, encouraging behaviors for its prevention and early diagnosis.



  • Know the risk factors;
  • Raise awareness of the importance of prevention and early detection;



In Portugal, colorectal cancer is the cancer with the highest incidence, both in women and men, with more than 10,500 new cases diagnosed per year.

It is estimated that around 12 people die each day from this disease, making it the 2nd leading cause of death from cancer in our country (Globocan, 2022).

Main risk factors: age, development of colorectal polyps, personal and/or family history, genetic changes and unhealthy lifestyles.


How to prevent?

  • Adopt healthy lifestyles;
  • Perform colorectal cancer screening.


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