Building connections in our local community not only contributes to our own happiness, but also to those around us, allowing our communities to flourish.

The foundation of happier communities are the thousands of small behaviors and interactions that happen every day. This way, we can help build happier communities by being aware of the impact our behavior has on the people around us. It can be as simple as a friendly smile or saying hello to local people we recognize, offering a helping hand or checking in on an elderly neighbor.

Reflection: What is one small action you can take to contribute to the happiness of others in your community?



We feel close to others when we feel understood, validated and cared for. This helps us feel seen and accepted for who we are – our strengths and weaknesses, hopes, fears and needs, and that our points of view are heard, even if they don't agree. Feeling cared for means that we feel warmth or affection from others and that our well-being is cared for. Others feel close to us when we do the same for them!

A great place to start is simply giving the other person our full attention and really listening. Focusing on them and what they are communicating, rather than half an eye on our devices or thinking about what we think and want to say. Once you've listened, maybe even ask some intriguing questions to show that you're interested and to help you understand more about what's going on with them.

Reflection: How can you remember to really listen to others?



Whether you are naturally introverted or extroverted, for well-being we all need to feel connected to others. Humans are a social species and our brains are wired for connection. Think about how good it feels to be loved and cared for, how reluctant we can be to break ties with people and how painful it is when we do, or if we feel ignored.

Feeling alone is a sign that we need to seek and find connection. A bit like being thirsty is a sign to drink some water and it can be harmful if we don't. If we feel alone for prolonged periods of time, it not only affects us psychologically, but can also be harmful to our physical health. If we feel alone, it can be difficult to reach out, but it's important to take action to feel more connected to others.

Reflection: What action can you take to reach out and connect with others if you feel alone?



Although less deep than our close relationships, our connections in our communities are also important for happiness and well-being. This can include people in our local neighborhood, at work, at school, or through our interests or hobbies (like a local choir, sports team, or gardening group. Having diverse social connections predicts how long we live and even impacts how resilient we are catching colds! These broader social networks can provide a sense of belonging and influence how safe we feel.

Reflection: What is one small action you can take to help you stay connected in your community?