Joyful June


There is more to life when we stop and notice!

Being more engaged in the present moment can lead to a richer experience of things that might otherwise pass us by while we are wrapped up in thoughts about the past or worrying about what we are going to do next. For example, noticing the leaves dancing on a tree, a bird singing, the smell of a new flower, the color of the sky or the flicker of a smile when someone passes by. Of course, we need to think ahead to make plans, and it can also be beneficial to remember to savor or process the experience. However, as we begin to be more mindful, we may be surprised by how much time we tend to spend outside of the present moment and how pleasurable and calming it is to be a little more focused on the here and now.

When we are mindful, we will also likely notice difficult thoughts, emotions, or sensations that sometimes arise. By learning not to get caught up in them, we can take a step back and better choose how we want to react to them. Accepting them, rather than repressing or fighting them, can help curb their power over us.

Try it! Take a break now. Observe what is around you. What can you see, hear and smell? Now check how you are feeling – what sensations and emotions do you notice?