Meaning and being part of something bigger!

Meaning is important for a full and happy life.

We are all important and can make a difference to something bigger, beyond ourselves.

When we ask people what happiness means to them, their initial thoughts often describe pleasures – things that, in the moment, bring joy or other fleeting, positive emotions. However, your thoughts quickly turn to a different kind of happiness. Friends, family, pets, work, volunteering, learning, hobbies, creative activities like making music or art, nature, faith – examples of things that give life meaning. Working on these things is not always pleasant at the time, but it provides long-term satisfaction and fulfillment.

The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle described a form of happiness that he said was more important than just pleasure – “activities of the soul that are in accordance with virtue,” in other words, that help us strive for the best there is. in U.S. He called it Eudaimonia. The meaning of life is an integral part of this concept and, along with pleasure, is incorporated into current psychological theories and models of happiness, well-being and flourishing.

Psychologists certainly agree that meaning is important for happiness and there are actions that can help us find or create it. In fact, all the other Keys to a Happier Life can help you find and create meaning in your life.