International Graduate Seminar | Resistances and Failures in the Iberian Empires, 16th-19th centuries | 28th-29th September 2023
9 March, 2023 - articles events Featured Events
ABSTRACT NOTEBOOK For more information about the Resistance and Failure projects: http://wwwresistanceuevorapt/ http://failurees/ On methodological issues in current historical research: https://wwwyoutubecom/watchv=dct6W-_xlo4&t=4851s https:// wwwyoutubecom/watchv=rlMf92MSpPo&t=4049s For more information, contact CIDEHUS-UAL@autonomapt Organizing Committee Nicoli Braga (Doctor UAL) João Francisco Fialho (Doctor UAL) Juliano Gomes (Doctor UAL)...