The Portuguese economy has faced significant economic and financial cyclical and structural challenges. We can refer to the management of budgetary policy, globalisation, propensity to risk, climate change, positioning in matters related to the environment, globalisation, unequal distribution of wealth, emigration, the aging of the population and, above all, adapting to the euro. Twenty years have passed and the Portuguese response has been weak in terms of the effect of these challenges in the long term. The lack of strategic sense in periods of relative prosperity and the lack of vision of the governments in moments of crisis, created, in the last decades, a deficient capacity of the Country to respond to the elaboration, execution and monitoring of measures that benefit the transformation of Portuguese society. long-term. The improvement of well-being is dependent on the measures that are taken ex-ante, so that the economy grows. Growing up, the advantages of patience will improve our collective life, where we can include worker incentives, better wages, better job quality, investment with more return, more profits and much more ability to adapt to an increasingly uncertain and insecure future. .What are the prospects for the Portuguese economy? It is on this question that the substance of this Conference lies. The debate with the students and others present will certainly be enjoyed.
Professor Doctor João César das Neves
João César das Neves is a full professor at the Portuguese Catholic University. Doctorate and degree in Economics from UCP, Master in Economics from Universidade Nova de Lisboa and Master in Operations Research and Systems Engineering from Universidade Técnica de Lisboa. Economic advisor to the Prime Minister (1991/95), author of several books and contributor to the press.
Department of Economic and Business Sciences