7 Dec 2023 - 18:30 | 7 Dec 2023

Auditorium 1


Previous studies have shown that criminal and other externalizing behaviors are associated with several adverse outcomes, but very little is known about the impact of these behaviors beyond middle age. Few studies have explored how a lifetime history of criminal and externalizing behaviors influences aging and, more specifically, whether it is associated with the onset and development of different neurodegenerative conditions. In this presentation, a brief overview of previous research that has investigated the health needs and psychological needs of older adults with criminal histories will be given. Next, the results of one of our latest studies entitled “Risk of dementia and mild cognitive impairment in older adults with a criminal history: The role of mental health and other risk factors across the lifespan” will be presented. This is a Swedish population-based registry study that examined how severity of criminal history (type of crime, number of convictions, length of sentence) was associated with dementia and mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and how various factors throughout life influenced these associations. Finally, the need for a better understanding of the aging process of individuals with this history will be discussed and the importance of using longitudinal perspectives to expand scientific knowledge about the influence of adverse behaviors throughout life on aging.



  • Solares, C., Garcia-Argibay, M., Chang, Z., Dobrosavljevic, M., Larsson, H., & Andershed, H. (2023). Risk of dementia and mild cognitive impairment in older adults with a criminal background: a population-based register study in Sweden. Scientific reports, 13(1), 1915.
  • Carlisi, CO, Moffitt, TE, Knodt, AR, Harrington, H., Ireland, D., Melzer, TR, Poulton, R., Ramrakha,, S., Caspi, A., Hariri, AR & Viding, E. (2020). Associations between life-course-persistent antisocial behavior and brain structure in a population-representative longitudinal birth cohort. The Lancet Psychiatry, 7(3), 245-253.
  • Wertz, J., Caspi, A., Ambler, A., Broadbent, J., Hancox, R. J., Harrington, H., … & Moffitt, T. E. (2021). Association of history of psychopathology with accelerated aging at midlife. JAMA psychiatry, 78(5), 530-539.






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