Sustained by more than half a century of scientific research and evidence-based practices, Early Childhood Intervention (IPI) was implemented in Portugal in the eighties of the last century. XX, consolidated today through Local Intervention Teams – ELI which, inserted in a tri-ministerial Regional and National organization (MTSSS, MS and ME), constitute the basis of the National Early Childhood Intervention System – SNIPI (DL no. 281/2009 October 6th).
Starting from the theoretical models that support ECI and its practices in the different natural contexts of children's lives, associated with the development of neurosciences and their relevance for Human Development in the First Years of Life, evidence will be presented of the action developed in Portugal in the organization and SNIPI intervention, with main focus on the Lisbon and Tagus Valley Region.
There are many diversities that we find in our intervention: in the conditions of children's development, characteristics and operating styles of families, the variety of educational, socio-environmental and geographic contexts in which they are inserted, and the dynamics of the Services and professionals involved. Through the dissemination of existing practices, the aim is to make a contribution to better information and appreciation of this inclusive response to children in vulnerable development and learning situations in the first years of life, their families/caregivers and professionals in the areas of Education, Health and Social Intervention.
Keywords: Early Childhood Intervention, SNIPI, Local Intervention Teams, Transdisciplinary Functioning, ACF Model, Collaborative Consulting.
Carvalho, L.; Almeida, L.; Felgueiras, I.; Boavida, J.; Santos, P. & Franco, V. (2018). Best Practices in Early Childhood Intervention: A Guide for Practitioners (2nd ed.). ANIP
Sustained by more than half a century of scientific research and evidence-based practices, Early Childhood Intervention (IPI) was implemented in Portugal in the eighties of the last century. XX, consolidated today through Local Intervention Teams – ELI which, inserted in a tri-ministerial Regional and National organization (MTSSS, MS and ME), constitute the basis of the National Early Childhood Intervention System – SNIPI (DL no. 281/2009 October 6th).