At the beginning of 2016, the Be human Association dedicated itself to creating a new tool to support families to be more human, creating an “emotional health kit for parents, made by children” and for that we interviewed children (from 5 to 10 years) from 12 different countries. We started with Portuguese children, we moved on to the children of gangsters in Sierra Leone, children who grow up with Monks in Japanese monasteries, Colombians from indigenous communities and beyond; Carioca children also took part, some growing up in favelas, others on the asphalt. In São Tomé and Principe we gathered tips on family formats or how to deal with anger. Then followed by India, Nepal and Bhutan, which gave great input on the importance of spirituality, Egypt and Jordan represented the Middle East and reinforced the importance of change in well-being processes.
We interviewed over 400 children in 12 different countries and with their suggestions we created “an emotional health kit”. After all, if we don't listen to them, we don't honor the loan they make to us: The world that will one day be theirs.
Maria Palha
Department of Psychology