Competitiveness of the Portuguese Economy | 17 June | 18:30 | online

17 Jun 2021 - 18:30

"Since joining the EU, How has Portugal behaved in terms of competitiveness? The answer is more complex than it may seem, but it is necessary to reflect on this question, measuring the evolution of the competitiveness of the Portuguese economy vis-à-vis, in particular, European economies. In economics, the analysis of trends makes it possible to know the past in order to understand the present and project the future. In this sense, this comparative analysis exercise covers several predicates that Portugal is faced with today. This Conference assesses the results achieved in terms of competitiveness, especially in the last decade, with an accurate analysis of the evolution of the three foundations of competitiveness: the structure of productive specialization, internationalization and innovation. The theme is also positioned in terms ofThe assumption for the competitiveness of the economy: financing”.