press room

Stone Soup Recipe to Debate Today's Challenges

Fernando Jorge Cardoso - 13 October, 2022

Type: image, text

News Diary

"We only talk about war and not about peace. We have to start doing it"

Professor Doctor Luís Tomé - 7 October, 2022

Type: audio


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Increases in Gas and Light

Sandra Ribeiro - 1 October, 2022

Type: video

CNN Portugal

CNN - Elections in Brazil

Daniel Cardoso - 27 September, 2022

Type: video

CNN Portugal

Participation of Prof. Luis Tomé on the 20:00 news on TSF, commenting on the referendums in the separatist and occupied regions in Ukraine

Professor Doctor Luís Tomé - 21 September, 2022

Type: audio, text


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