Conference "Importance of Self-Determination for the Quality of Life of People with Intellectual Development Disorder" | 21 January | 18:30 | online

It is indisputable that mental health, whose main aspects are emotional well-being and rewarding social and interpersonal relationships, is an essential ingredient in anyone's quality of life, and is therefore a goal for all people, including people with intellectual disability Believing that people with PDI (Developmental Disorder...

Conference "Psychology 4.0: New Technologies and their impact on the field of Psychology" | 14 January | 18:30 | online

Rapid technological developments led to significant advances in different fields New technologies, such as the Internet Of Things or Artificial Intelligence (AI), enable to remotely monitor patients or to learn more about disorders and factors affecting our quality of life, or adapting information to formats that are easily consumed by people Additionally, AI is also...

Conference "Neurolinguistic Programming" | 7 January | 18:30 | online

5 January, 2021 - articles events

NLP is one of the human development methodologies that has had a notable relevance since the 70's of the 20th century, being used in several areas such as leadership, sales, therapies, coaching, etc. This conference will touch on the following topics: Origin Modeling what it works The Structure of subjective experience Pillars and principles Sensorying and systems...

Conference "Strategic Vision for Portugal's Economic Recovery Plan 2020-2030" | 17 December | 18:30 | Auditorium 3/Online

The Strategic Vision for the Economic Recovery Plan of Portugal 2020-2030, prepared by Prof António Costa Silva, is a document that frames the options and priorities that should guide the recovery from the adverse economic effects caused by the current pandemic It is from this strategic vision that The Recovery Plan will be designed, to be presented to the...

Conference "“The New Paradigm of 5G Communications and its Future Evolutions” | January 7 | 6:30 pm | Online

This conference provides an insight into the Fifth Generation of Cellular Communications (5G) and its future evolutions Presents the current and expected 5G transmission techniques in future developments, namely on the Non Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) method, in addition to the Massive MIMO and Millimeter waves An introduction to...

Conference "Legitimate defense in marital relationships in the context of domestic violence" | 10 December | 18:30 | online

The presentation intends to answer the following problem: how should responsibility be held in cases where a woman is a victim of domestic violence for several years and at a specific moment in time decides to kill her husband (aggressor) in a cold and cruel way, privileging non-confrontational aggression We are facing a case...