Health Crisis Solutions - Identify, Manage and Care | 8 April | 18.30 | online

6 April, 2021 - conferences events

Presentation of the 12th edition of the Angelini University Award! 2020/2020, with the motto “Health crisis solutions – identify, manage and care for” The Angelini University Award! is an initiative promoted by Angelini Pharma aimed at higher education students attending a degree, postgraduate or master's degree, with the aim of promoting entrepreneurship among this public...

Conference "International Webinar on 5G: Security in Communications" | 25 March | 10 am CET / 9 am PT | online

This Webinar provides an insight into the Fifth Generation of Cellular Communications (5G) and its future developments It presents the current 5G transmission techniques and those expected in future developments An introduction to the Sixth Generation of Cellular Communications (6G) is also made, as well as the expected associated transmission techniques The insertion of 5G...

Open Class "Perspectives of Current Critical Criminology" | 5 March | 9pm | online

The objective of the conference is to outline the current state of critical criminology in its epistemological, methodological and political dimensions The starting point is the recognition that critical criminology, especially in Latin America, has produced significant contributions to the global development of the discipline and raises questions sharp remarks about the current impasse in the field A...

Conference “Portuguese public debt: indebtedness of Portugal and the European Union” | 17 March | 18:30 | (Online)

26 February, 2021 - articles events

The Portuguese public debt has been an obstacle to economic growth for several years The deterioration of the fiscal position has led to an escalation in public debt Therefore, the sustainability of the Portuguese debt trajectory depends on our ability to achieve, in a lasting way, demanding targets , but achievable, both in terms of growth and...

IV International Congress OBSERVARE | November 23 to 26, 2021

OBSERVARE - Observatory of External Relations of the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, organizes its 4th International Congress under the theme "MULTILATERALISM, CONDITION OF GLOBAL GOVERNANCE" The Congress will take place from 23 to 26 November 2021 Given the uncertainty about the evolution of the pandemic, not only in Portugal but in several other countries (the Congress...

Conference | “Trench Itineraries. Some Literary, Musical and Artistic Elements of the First World War” | 8 March | 18:30 | online

26 February, 2021 - articles departments events History

A fundamental event of the 20th century, the First World War, in addition to the profound marks it imprinted on the most diverse levels of reality, profoundly altered European culture Starting from some paradigmatic and symptomatic examples, and never losing sight of the Portuguese case, this class aims to outline a picture of these understandings and the way in which they remain present...

Conference “Dilemmas of the New Digital Transformation” | 22 April | 18:30 | (Online)

Digital Transformation is advancing rapidly within the scope of the 4th Industrial Revolution, giving rise to important issues related to the use of new digital technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, 5G, Internet of Things, Quantum Computing, Robotics, among others Klaus Schwab, President of the World Economic Forum, stated in 2016 that in the 4th Industrial Revolution, changes are...