Change of institution/course pair – 2025 / 2026

Important: Ordinance No. 181-D/2015, of June 19 came to approve a new legal regime, Regulation of Re-entry and Change of Pair Institution/Course for Change of Course in Higher Education.

1st Phase

  • Submission of Application – until April 16, 2024
  • Results Announcement – April 26, 2024
  • Registration Deadline – May 10, 2024
Who can apply?

Students who:

  • Have been enrolled and enrolled in another institution/course pair and have not completed it;
  • Have taken the national secondary education exams corresponding to the entrance exams set for that pair, for that year, within the scope of the general access regime – which may have been carried out in any academic year;
  • Have, in these exams, the minimum classification required by the higher education institution, in that year, within the scope of the general access regime;
  • They are not covered by the international student status regulated by Decree-Law No. 36/2014, of March 10th, amended and republished by Decree-Law No. 62/2018, of August 6th.

This regime for changing the institution/course pair also applies to students who have been enrolled and enrolled in a foreign higher education institution in a course defined as higher by the legislation of the country in question, and who have not completed it.


Documents submitted by candidates from foreign higher education establishments must be duly signed by the Educational Institution and recognized by the Portuguese diplomatic or consular representation in that country and translated by an official translator.


Training carried out within the scope of other cycles of higher studies granting degrees in national or foreign higher education establishments can be credited, either that obtained within the framework of the organization resulting from the Bologna Process, or that obtained previously.

Academic Credits
  • Application for accreditation of academic skills addressed to the President of the Scientific Council;
  • Table for requesting accreditation of Curricular Units;
  • Syllabus and Hours;
  • Certificate of qualifications of the curricular units in which you obtained approval, indicating the regime (semestral or annual) and UC/ECTS number.

See here the requirement for requesting academic credits.

Professional Experience Accreditation
  • Application addressed to the President of the Scientific Council requesting recognition of professional experience, training obtained within the scope of technological or other specialization courses, for the purpose of continuing studies in a duly identified cycle;
  • Table for requesting accreditation of Curricular Units;
  • Curriculum Vitae prepared in accordance with the European model, with a detailed description of the functions performed, training within the scope of technological specialization courses or other, obtained by the candidate;
  • Statement of proof, issued by the competent authorities, indicating the functions performed, the duration of the same and that makes a qualitative and/or quantitative assessment of the candidate's performance;
  • Authenticated certificates of academic qualifications or other training obtained by the candidate;
  • Reference letters for the evaluation of the application;
  • Other elements considered relevant, namely studies, reports or projects carried out by the candidate.

See here the requirement for requesting professional credits.

Table for requesting credits for Curricular Units
Exclusion of candidates

Candidates who:

  1. They have not filled out their application form correctly, either because they omit some element, or because they indicate others that do not correspond to those contained in the documents delivered;
  2. Do not meet the conditions to submit to the competition;
  3. Have not completed the instruction of the respective processes within the due time;
  4. Make false statements.

Note: The application fee will not be refunded if the candidate is not selected.


Students who have joined the General Access Regime

  • Identity card or citizen card;
  • Enrollment certificate or qualification certificate of the curricular units carried out with the respective classifications;
  • ENES form;
  • Programs and workload (if crediting is requested);
  • A passport photograph.

Student from a Foreign Higher Education Institution

  • Passport or residence permit;
  • Certificate of equivalence to secondary education;
  • Certificate of replacement of entrance exams with foreign exams (Article 20. A);
  • ENES form;
  • Time counting statement issued by SEF (Mandatory for foreign citizens, not nationals of an EU member state). Foreign students who, at the time of submitting their application, comply with any of the provisions set out in paragraph 2 of article 3 of Decree-Law no. 36/2014, of March 10, as amended by Decree-Law no. 62/2018 of August 6th, you will not be able to apply for this special competition;
  • Enrollment certificate or qualification certificate of the curricular units carried out with the respective classifications;
  • Document proving that the course and educational institution attended abroad are defined as higher, by the legislation of the country in question;
  • Programs and workload (if crediting is requested);
  • A passport photograph.

Documents submitted by candidates from foreign higher education establishments must be duly signed and recognized by the Educational Institution and the Portuguese consular representation in that country or by the apostille system, under the terms of the Hague Convention.


Student who has entered under the Special Contest for the Over 23s

  • Identity card or citizen card;
  • Enrollment certificate or qualification certificate of the curricular units carried out with the respective classifications;
  • Certificate of tests for over 23 years old with the final classification and its evaluation components;
  • Programs and workload (if crediting is requested);
  • A passport photograph.


Student who has entered as a Holder of a Technological Specialization Diploma

  • Identity card or citizen card;
  • Enrollment certificate or qualification certificate of the curricular units carried out with the respective classifications;
  • Certified copy of the Technological Specialization Diploma;
  • ENES form;
  • Programs and workload (if crediting is requested);
  • A passport photograph.


Student who has entered as a Holder of a Higher Professional Technician Diploma

  • Identity card or citizen card;
  • Enrollment certificate or qualification certificate of the curricular units carried out with the respective classifications;
  • Photocopy of the Higher Professional Technician Diploma;
  • ENES form;
  • Programs and workload (if crediting is requested);
  • A passport photograph.


The ranking criteria for the respective courses are determined by the best grade obtained upon completion of secondary education.

Students who enter through the special entrance exam for those over 23 years of age, without having completed secondary education, constitute an exception to the criteria defined in the previous number. In these cases, the final grade with which the candidate was admitted in the special entrance exam for those over 23 years of age will be considered.

Whenever two or more candidates are tied beyond the previous criterion, the best grade obtained in the exams taken corresponding to the desired course will be used as the tiebreaker criterion.

The final application grade is expressed in the range of 10-20 on the integer numerical scale from 0 to 20 values.

Candidates will be sorted in descending order and placed in existing vacancies.

The final result is expressed through one of the following situations:

  • Placed;
  • Not Placed;
  • Deleted.

The placement only has effect in the academic year to which it refers, therefore the right to enroll and register in the study cycle in which the candidate was placed expires if it is not exercised within the set period.

For more information call 808 29 29 29 or write to

Updated on 13/01/2025
