The security of the Portuguese Sea is a national priority and constitutes a mission in the defense of our sovereignty for all State bodies that manage and share this responsibility. To this end, in the current complex and challenging geopolitical and geostrategic context, where there are multiple threats and risks hanging over maritime security in the North Atlantic, it is essential to reflect on the contribution of technology and digital monitoring infrastructures to the security of the Portuguese Sea and to define which are the best technological instruments that contribute to this goal.
3:00 p.m. | Reception
Welcome to the participants.
3:30 pm | Opening Session
- Professor Doctor Fernando Jorge Cardoso – Observatory of Foreign Relations of the Autonomous University of Lisbon
- Professor Doctor Luís Manuel Brás Bernardino – Professor at the Department of International Relations of the Autonomous University of Lisbon and President of OEID
- Eng. Hélder Sousa Silva – Member of the European Parliament (via Zoom)
Theme: “Portugal and Digital Sovereignty”
4:00 pm | 1st Panel – Contributions of Digital Infrastructures to National Sovereignty and Security in the Portuguese Sea
Moderator: Captain-of-Sea-and-War Hélder Fialho de Jesus, Vice-President of the OEID
- Rear Admiral Nuno António of Noronha Braganza – “National Sovereignty and Control of the Portuguese Sea”
- Engineer José Passos Morgado – “Security and Digital Systems in Portugal”
- Captain of the Sea and War António Gonçalves Alexandre – “Security challenges in the Portuguese Atlantic”
5:30pm | Coffee Break
Moment of networking and socializing.
6:00 pm | 2nd Panel – Demonstration of a Maritime Control and Surveillance System in Portugal’s EEZ
Presented by the company: ZERTIVE
- Eng. Nuno Silva Carvalho
- Eng. Fernando Alves
- Eng. Luis Silveira
7:00 pm | Closing Session
- Engineer José Barros – Chairman of the OEID Advisory Board