Despite the abundance of water in Brazil, the unequal distribution of this resource has resulted in a worrying criticality in per capita water availability in several regions. The growing pressure exerted by consumption, combined with the harmful impacts of climate change, intensifies competition for access to water, with adverse effects on its quantity and quality. Although continued population growth and rapid urbanization contribute to the complexity of water resource management, the pollution of water bodies and the unsustainable use of resources aggravate the problem of scarcity, requiring urgent reflection on the equitable distribution of water.
In response to these challenges, Brazil is promoting initiatives aimed at strengthening international cooperation in the management of transboundary water resources, which cover 60% of the country's territory. Collaboration with neighboring nations, such as Colombia, is of utmost importance. The following initiatives stand out:
- Memorandum of Understanding (2021): This treaty signed between Brazil and Colombia aims to promote bilateral cooperation in the area of water security and basic sanitation, valid for five years.
- Study on Groundwater: A binational study was completed that will serve as a basis for the formulation of policies for the protection and use of groundwater along the Amazon border.
- Partnerships for Studies and Monitoring: Agreements established between countries promote integrated studies on the management and monitoring of water resources, in addition to encouraging technical-scientific exchange.
- Initiatives to Attract Investment: Creation of joint efforts to attract private investments aimed at improving water and sanitation services in the region.
Such initiatives seek to improve water resources governance and promote more sustainable and equitable use of water in the nations involved.
Professor and Permanent Researcher of the Postgraduate Program in Sustainability at PUC-Campinas. Graduated in Social Sciences from the State University of Campinas; Specialization in Social Work and Management of Social Projects from FMU; Master's and PhD in Sociology from the State University of Campinas. Post-Doctorate in International Relations from the Autonomous University of Lisbon, Portugal. Researcher with projects in the areas of socio-environmental sustainability indicators, applied to water resource management and the social and solidarity economy, vulnerable communities and the Amazon. Deputy Coordinator of the Technical Chamber for Integration and Dissemination of Research and Technologies (CT-ID) and Coordinator of the Working Group-Indicators and Monitoring of Water Resources of the Committees of the Hydrographic Basins of the Piracicaba, Capivari and Jundiaí Rivers.
He holds a degree in Economic Sciences from the State University of Campinas (1984) and a master's degree in Scientific and Technological Policy from the State University of Campinas (1998). He is currently a professor at the Center for Economics and Administration, Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas. He is the General Director of the Center for Advanced Studies in Economics and Strategic Business Management, an institution that provides consulting services in Business Management in the most diverse areas of Administration and Public Management (preparation of diagnoses and proposals for regional planning (urban and rural), involving practices aimed at the preparation of master plans; treatment of problems and search for solutions to improve the quality of life of the local population; consultancy for forums for integrated and sustainable local development; participation and consultancy for regional, state and local development councils and forums of municipalities and similar associations; preparation of matrices and studies on integrated regional development and local productive arrangements; definition of indicators and methods for assessing development, growth and sustainability; preparation of diagnoses and proposals for regional and local public policy systems; analysis of the impact of social, economic and demographic factors on public policies; education, training and qualification of people who work in public systems). He is a member of the Board of Directors of the National Association of Municipal Sanitation Services (Assemae) and Municipal Delegate of the Regional Economic Council of the State of São Paulo.