In a Changing World, typical of the progress we have made, we are suspicious of the coexistence between Algorithms and Human Rights.
We fear AI created in our image and likeness.
Professors and Lawyers come together to think out loud about realities in which AI is already making itself felt.
It is urgent to follow up in order to anticipate. Is it possible?
Opening – 9:30 am
Artificial Intelligence: Eden, Armageddon or a New Olympus?
Dr. Ana Paula Pinto Lourenço
Professor at UAL and Member of CNPD
I Panel
Moderator: Major General David Gaspar
10:00 – Doctor Pedro Trovão of the Rosary
“Regulation No. 2024/1689 of the European Union: Rules on Artificial Intelligence – Fundamental Rights and their Effectiveness.”
10:20 – Dr. Jorge Batalha
“Personal Data Protection and Artificial Intelligence (AI): Processing of Biometric Data Using AI Systems.”
10:45 – Coffee Break
II Panel
Moderator: Doctor Renato Militão
11:00 am – Dr. João Ferreira
“The Mega-Processes – from CITIUS to Artificial Intelligence.”
11:20 – Professor David Masseno
“DE IVRE CONDITO: The Judicial Decision in the Regulation of AI, Some Notes for the Debate.”
11:40 – Professor
“Human Rights in the Face of New Times and New Technologies.”
Debate and Lunch – 12:30 p.m.
III Panel
Moderator: Dr. Cid Orlando Geraldo
2:30 pm – Dr. Margarida Vargues
“AI in the Classroom: Ally or Challenge?”
2:50 p.m. – Dr. Carla Xavier Coelho
“Artificial Intelligence and Children’s Rights.”
3:15 p.m. – Dr. Ana Lucia Gomes
“AI in the Daily Life of a Judge.”
3:45 pm – Coffee Break
IV Panel
Moderator: Dr. Adelina Barradas de Oliveira
16:00 – Dr. João Correia
“Artificial Intelligence in Labor Justice.”
4:20 p.m. – Dr. Nelson Escórcio
“AI in the Judicial Universe: Quotation Marks, Parentheses and Black Swans.”
Closing – 5:00 p.m.
Doctor Pedro Thunder