Experience tells us that current teaching is in a phase of evolution and mutation where the student increasingly assumes himself as a central and active element in the learning process. Fits
for the teacher to adopt new educational strategies, implementing new “expository, active, interrogative, demonstrative” methods so that the pedagogical process does not give excessive attention to the teacher to the detriment of the student and the curricular unit program. The main function of these methods will be to maintain and promote the balance between Teacher – Knowledge – Student. Objectives are considered means that help teachers and students to know the paths to follow, allowing them to know the destination they intend to achieve. In a society increasingly dominated by image and sound, the pedagogical process that uses simulation techniques has found audiovisual media and new technologies to be a valuable aid. In fact, the teacher, in a class, if he wants to make people understood, must always take into account the impact of image, sound and movement on the class. However, this impact is the result of something that is external to the class, it comes from the ability of images to speak for themselves, and are often more easily understood than a seasoned speech. A teaching resource is any material used in the teaching process with the aim of making it more enjoyable, efficient and effective. These must fundamentally serve to present a theme or subject, facilitate understanding through written, sound or visual documents, clarify an aspect of a problem or issue.
Today it is unthinkable to imagine the teaching/learning process without these means. Use of innovative approaches – create and implement innovative digital material, suitable for what you intend to teach and who you intend to teach; effective learning – that is, the creation of different approaches to a topic so that students can choose the one that best suits their way of learning; creation of independent learning spaces for students; creation of spaces for collaboration and stimulation of cognitive thinking; formative assessment – assessment must be provided to students, so that they are aware of their learning process, thus, quick feedback must be given to students so that they know what they can improve and how they can improve. In this context, we started the Webinar on the theme “Creation of podcast content at the service of sports management”, with the objective of providing sports management students with current technological tools, with access to new programs and collaborative learning platforms, that allow them to cumulatively, through their dynamics, value their knowledge and training.