Nursing and Medicine students consider, like many other colleagues from the most varied scientific areas, to emigrate in search of better working conditions and in search of places that bring them better expectations for their future. In the particular case of doctors, nurses and even auxiliary personnel, the situation is more serious because they care for and treat human beings. In the field of Health, with regard to human resources and accumulated human capital, these attributes do not seem to be enough to fix them in Portugal, which trains them with the financial and logistical resources supported by taxpayers. There is a lack of professionals from different specialties in the Emergency Department, from north to south of the country, and hospitals are unable to complete their duty rosters. Vacations, sick leave or difficulties in attracting and retaining doctors, nurses, assistants and other professionals, are exacerbating a situation that, not being new, has placed the Portuguese under a strong and continuing concern. Being a cross-cutting issue across society, how do students see this panorama? Where are the urgent and structural measures? Where are the conjunctural responses? What changes are needed to prevent the exodus of trained and specialized students? What are the expectations for the future of each one? With the constraint of an existing crisis in the National Health Service, it is inevitable that people will develop new spending habits such as, eg, as consumers, workers, students, citizens and family members that impact daily life, which increases increasing the degree of daily uncertainty and anxiety. Nowadays, Portugal is facing moments of great difficulties that it was unaware of, such as, for example, the excessive economic dependence on tourism, the delay in the process of digital transformation and the enormous fragility present in certain sectors. From then until the increase in social inequalities, it is a progress that does not slow down and, rather, is accentuated. This is the general theme of this Conference, bringing together student interaction in the form of debate and not just the presentation of speakers.
Alvaro Beauty
President of SEDES (Portuguese Association for Economic and Social Development); Professor of Transfusion Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon
Miguel Guimaraes
Chairman of the Order of Physicians; University Hospital Center of S. João (CHUSJ) – Porto
Department of Economic and Business Sciences