Pedro Baía is an architect, editor, professor and researcher. Founder and director of Circo de Ideias (www.circodeideias.pt). Architectural critic for Público newspaper since 2017 and O Primeiro de Janeiro newspaper between 2007 and 2008. Member of AICA – International Association of Art Critics since 2017 and member of the Friendly Fire collective since 2010 (www.friendlyfire.info). He was a member of the editorial staff of Jornal Arquitetos between 2013 and 2015. He was the architecture editor of Artecapital between 2008 and 2015 and member of the editorial board of the NU magazine between 2002 and 2004. Author, editor and co-editor of several publications, with emphasis on: Nuances: the places of architecture (2021), Manuel Correia Fernandes. 18 Works (2021), The Reception of Team 10 in Portugal (2020), Porto Brutalista (2019), Nuno Portas. 18 Shared Works (2019), Joelho magazine n.10 dedicated to the theme Team 10: Debate and Media in Portugal and Spain (2019), Bartolomeu Costa Cabral. 18 Works (2016), Koolhaas Tangram (2014) and Berlin: Critical Reconstruction (2008). Integrated researcher at the Lab2PT research center – Laboratory of Landscapes, Heritage and Territory of the University of Minho since 2015 and collaborating researcher at CEACT/UAL since 2021. Visiting Assistant Professor at DA/UAL since 2021 and at the School of Architecture of the University of Minho between 2014 and 2017, in Project 1, Theory of Architecture 2 and Contemporary Art and Architecture Movements, and in 2021, in Radical Thought in Architecture. PhD in Theory and History of Architecture concluded in 2014 at the University of Coimbra.