Vera Chaia is a professor at the Department of Politics, at the Graduate Program in Social Sciences, a researcher at Neamp (Center for Studies in Art, Media and Politics) at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, a researcher at CNPq (National Research Council for Ministry of Science and Technology) and FAPESP (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo).
Master in Sociology from the University of São Paulo, with the dissertation “Landlord Conflicts in Santa Fé do Sul – SP (1959-1969)”. PhD in Political Science from the University of São Paulo, with the thesis “The Political Leadership of Jânio Quadros – 1947 to 1990”.
Title of Licentiate Professor obtained at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, with the thesis “São Paulo Press and City Council – 1989-1996”.
Post-Doctorate from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos/Spain, with the title “The use of new technologies in political action in Brazil and Spain”.
Books – “Jânio Quadros and Politics: Scandals and Power Relations in the City Council of São Paulo”, “The Political Leadership of Jânio Quadros – 1947-1990”. Co-authored books – “Politics and Leadership: Theories and Practices”, “Political Communication and Campaign Strategies”, “Media and Politics – studies on democracy and the media in Brazil.
Research: Political Scandals and the Media: study of some cases in Brazilian political life; Rede Globo de Televisão: community and civic journalism; Media, Electoral Campaign and Political Behavior in São Paulo; The use of new technologies in political action in Brazil and Spain; Political Leadership and Cinema: image of power; New forms of political participation and communities online: a study of Orkut; Political leadership in Brazil: institutional characteristics and issues.