The 3rd international scientific meeting, in line with the previous ones, integrates the R&D and research lines of Ratio Legis – Research and Development Center of the Autonomous University of Lisbon, of the Delegation of JusGov – Research Center in Justice and Governance of the Minho School of Law, based at UAL, and of the School of Law of PUC-RS – Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, postgraduate program in criminal sciences, and of the research project of the Faculty of Law of the University of Messina.
Professors, researchers, master's, doctoral and post-doctoral students from various university institutions will present and debate papers that address legal, political-criminal and criminological issues, including regulation, incrimination and criminal procedure, which are part of the general theme of the meeting: Criminal Systems in the Digital Age.
The scientific coordination is in charge of Dr. Manuel Monteiro Guedes Valente, from the Autonomous University of Lisbon (UAL), Dr. Mário Ferreira Monte, from the Law School of the University of Minho (EDUMinho), Dr. Nereu José Giacomolli, from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUC-RS), and Dr. Stefano Ruggeri, from the University of Messina (UMessina). The deputy scientific coordination is carried out by Dr. Clarice Sohngen, from PUC-RS, Dr. Emanuel Carvalho, from UAL, Dr. Jamilla Monteiro Sarkis, from the Federal University of Minas Gerais and PUC-RS, Dr. Janaina Matida, from the Brazilian Institute of Education, Development and Research (IDP), and Dr. Marcos Eberhardt, from PUC-RS.
Opening Conference – A3
In conjunction with the “Course on Evidence and Criminal Guarantees”.
3 pm
Presentation of Works
Coordinator: Doctor Nereus Giacomolli
Jamilla Sarkis & Gabriela Mendes Machado
Beatriz Ferruzzi Sacchetin
Rowana Camargo
Presentation of Works
Coordination: Doctor Marcos Eberhardt & Doctor Inês Godinho
Jader Marques
Ana Carolina Proenca
Gabriela Ruschel by Lia Pires
3 pm
Plenary Session – Doctor Eliomar da Silva Pereira
Presentation of Works
Coordination: Doctor Jader Marques
Ramiro Gomes Vol Saltiel
Raccius Potter
Gustavo Brito
Plenary Session – Professor Doctor Luigi Ferrajoli
A3 – In conjunction with the “Course on Evidence and Criminal Guarantees”.
11:30 am
Presentation of Works
Coordination: Doctor Mario Ferreira Monte & Doctor Emanuel Carvalho
Daniela Scariot
Julia Rödel de Moraes
Ruben Pilgrim
3 pm
Presentation of Works
Coordination: Doctor Ana Raquel Conceição
David Eberhardt Americo
Gabriel Bulhões Nobrega Dias
Gabrielle Casagrande Cenci
Plenary Session – Doctor Dario Ippolito
Presentation of Works
Coordination: Doctor Janaina Matida
Gabriel Saad
Natalia Carvalho Silveira
John Carlos Dalmagro Jr.
Joana Coradinho
3 pm
Presentation of Works
Coordination: Doctor Geraldo Prado
Pamela de Araujo Aquino
Carla Maria Rodrigues Gregory
Rafael Barros Bernardes da Silveira
Scientific and Executive Coordination
Coordinators and Researchers

Ana Raquel Conceição

Dario Ippolito

Eliomar da Silva Pereira

Geraldo Prado

Inês Fernandes Godinho

Jader Marques

Janaina Matida

Ana Carolina Proenca

Beatriz Ferruzzi Sacchetin

Daniela Scariot

David Eberhardt Americo

Gabriela Mendes Machado

Gabriela Ruschel by Lia Pires

Gabriel Bulhões Nobrega Dias

Gabriel Saad

Gabrielle Casagrande Cenci

Gustavo Ribeiro Gomes Brito

John Carlos Dalmagro Jr.

Julia Rödel de Moraes.

Pamela de Araujo Aquino

Raccius Potter

Ramiro Gomes Vol Saltiel

Rowana Camargo

Marcos Monteiro

Natalia Carvalho Silveira

Rafael Barros Bernardes da Silveira