4 Jun 2024 - 18:30 | 4 Jun 2024 - 20:30

Auditorium 1

February to June 2024, Autonomous University of Lisbon



The second edition of the conference cycle on “Europe and Asia: Constructions and Interactions in a divided world” continues the reflections and discussion carried out in the first edition that took place in 2023.
Between February and June 2024, prestigious national and foreign academics will address Eurasian relations in a world that, due to wars in Europe and the Middle East, is today more divided than in the recent past.
The cycle includes 14 lectures covering a wide range of topics. The objective is to give participants a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the pluralism and richness of the ties that connect the two continents, as well as their potential in building a common future.


Coordination and organization
Professors Luis Tomé (UAL) and Daniel Cardoso (UAL)


Eurasia Foundation (from Asia-Japan) – http://www.eurasia.or.jp/en/

More information to email: europe-asia@autonoma.pt



02/27/2024, 11am – Sala dos Atos, UAL
Asia Cultural Community and Chinese Character Exchange
Youn-Ok Kang, Myongji University
[in Korean with Portuguese translation]

04/16/2024 11am, Auditorium 1
Knowledge Diplomacy: A New Route for Asia-Europe Engagement?
Diane Lesley Stone, European University Institute

04/16/2024, 6:30 pm, Auditorium 1
From the Geo-economics of the “Asia-Pacific” to the Geo-politics of the “Indo-Pacific: A Non-European Perspective on the Drivers of Regional Order
Richard Higgott, Brussels School of Governance

04/23/2024, 11am, Auditorium 1
The China Challenge and the Future of the Transatlantic Relationship
Luis Simon, Elcano Royal Institute and CSDS, Vrije Universiteit Brussels

04/23/2024, 6:30 pm, Auditorium 1
ASEAN – state of play: perspectives and dilemmas in a divided world
Nuno Canas Mendes, ISCSP

04/30/2024, 11am, Auditorium 1
Europe-Asia in the context of EU-ASEAN relations: challenges and opportunities
Lizza Bomassi, Carnegie Europe

04/30/2024, 6:30 pm, Auditorium 1
Asia's Frontiers. Disputed States and Territories
Raúl Ramírez Ruiz, Rey Juan Carlos University
[In Spanish]

05/02/2024, 11am, Auditorium 1
The Necessity and Possibility of the Asian Community
Joon-Kon Chung, Eurasia Foundation
[“in Korean” with translation into Portuguese]

05/07/2024, 11am, Auditorium 1
In connection with the 25th anniversary of the transfer of sovereignty from Macau to China: a reflection on the principle of one country, two systems (SAR and HKSAR)
Álvaro Rosa, ISCTE

05/07/2024, 6:30 pm, Auditorium 1
EU-China relations: between cooperation and competition
Daniel Cardoso, UAL

05/28/2024, 11am, Auditorium 1
Re-evaluation of the African Agency at the UN: Voting Patterns of Morocco and Egypt in a Context of Growing Rivalry between the Great Powers
Ana Cristina Alves, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University

05/28/2024, 6:30 pm, Auditorium 1
Identities and territorial nationalisms in Europe and Asia
Andrea Carteny, La Sapienza University of Rome

06/04/2024, 6:30 pm, Auditorium 1
Why Europe is important for Asia-Pacific and Asia-Pacific for Europe
Moderator: Isabel Nunes, Director of the National Defense Institute
Speakers: Luis Tomé, UAL and Carlos Gaspar, UAL




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