The Advanced Course of Studies on the Middle East and Maghreb aims to provide information and reflection on the historical and political evolution of the Middle East and Maghreb Region, through theoretical-practical analysis tools that explore theoretical and conceptual specificities in the investigation of political dynamics. , economic and sociocultural aspects of the region; Understand the potential and risk factors in the Middle East and Maghreb region and characterize the political, economic and sociocultural situation of the peoples and countries in the region, as well as the interests and strategies of the most relevant regional and international actors and the external and regional impact of conflicts in the region; Promote in-depth analysis of the vectors that influence competitive and cooperative behaviors and interactions in the Middle East and Maghreb region, reflecting on concepts and theories, which help to understand the internal and external dynamics of the Middle East and Maghreb region.
- Speaker: Major General Nuno Lemos Pires (Commander of the EU Military Training Mission (EUTM) – Mozambique)
- Theme: Persian Gulf : From a Regional Cold War to Global Effects
- Date: June 17, 2022 – 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm
- Zoom Access:
- meeting ID: 882 8818 8243
Department of International Relations