ERASMUS+ applications for students

1 December, 2017 -

Academic Year 2024-2025 All UAL students are hereby informed that applications for the Erasmus+ program (mobility for studies) are open for the academic year 2024-2025 Dates for sending/delivering applications to this office: March 1st (For the 2024-2025 academic year in its entirety or the 1st semester of 2024-2025) October 12 (For...

Erasmus+ applications for teachers

1 December, 2017 -

The Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa receives annually a number of mobility grants for Professors The duration of the mobility is generally 3 days (which may or may not include travel days) and the minimum number of teaching hours at the host university is 8 hours Teachers interested in carrying out...

Erasmus+ applications for employees

2 December, 2017 -

The Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa annually receives a reduced number of mobility grants for Employees The duration of the mobility is generally 3 days (a maximum of two days may be added for travel) The objective is to allow employees to acquire knowledge of other realities in the partner universities, acquisition and exchange of good...

Erasmus Bilateral Agreements +

2 December, 2017 -

Bilateral Agreements between UAL and European universities under the Erasmus+ Program (2014-2020) (updated January 2021)...