Evandro Oliveira

- Department of Communication Sciences - PhD in Media and Society in the Context of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries - Degree in Communication Sciences

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Evandro Samuel Ribeiro dos Santos Oliveira is an associate researcher at LabCom and an assistant professor at the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa. President-elect of the Organizational and Strategic Communication section of the international academic communication association ECREA, he has collaborated with its management team since 2018.

Before joining UAL, he was a Serra Húnter professor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and a guest at the University of Beira Interior.; as well as Professor of Corporate Communication at HMKW in Berlin from 2017 to 2019 and Director of the Master's Taught in English in Public Relations and Digital Marketing. He has collaborated with the University of Münster, University of Mannheim, University of Berlin (FU), University of Leipzig and Leipzig School of Media (Germany). He was a speaker, visitor and guest lecturer at several European and South American universities and institutions, producing more than 65 articles and scientific presentations. In 2014, he was president of the German network of young researchers in communication and politics (naprok). Evandro Oliveira has a degree and a master's degree from the University of Minho and a PhD in Political and Social Sciences from the University of Leipzig, Germany (Dr. rer. pol.); in Communication Sciences from the University of Minho (Dr. phil.) and with the title of Doctor (equivalence) from the Autonomous University of Barcelona in strategic communication. His main areas of research are strategic communication, communication of civil society groups, communication and diversity, intercultural communication, public relations, online communication and political communication.

Between 2012 and 2016 he was Associate Researcher at the University of Leipzig, in addition to teaching the Master's in Communication Management and the Bachelor's Degree in Communication Sciences. He holds the bi-annual award for excellence in academic research 2019 with the doctoral thesis „The Instigatory Theory of NGO Communication“ awarded by EUPRERA (European Public Relations Education and Research Association) in conjunction with PRCA (Public Relations and Communications Association) and ICCO (International Communications Consultancy Organisation). The theory was published in 2019 by Springer Nature.

He began his professional career in 1996 as a journalist and worked, among others, at Lusa, SIC, Jornals and Rádios for over 10 years. After 2004, he began to carry out projects in Public Relations and Communication. Among others, he has collaborated with the European Space Agency, Greenpeace, the European Commission, UNICEF, Amnesty International, 350.org, Pay Pal, MFG – Public Innovation Agency; Government of Catalonia and Regional Ministry of Finance and Economy of Baden-Württemberg, Germany. In addition, he has worked for organizations such as Fujitsu Services, NetApp, Det Norske Veritas, Air-Berlin and KPN-Dutch Telekom. He also guided and led the creative team for national and international communication and marketing projects in 2010 at the QuadrigaArt Agency in New York and Washington, where he notably developed campaigns for the Smithsonian Institutions.