Conference “Technological Evolution of Connectivity in Autonomous Vehicles in the European Union” | 17 December | 18:30 | Auditorium 1

17 Dec 2019 - 18:30

Recent traffic accidents involving autonomous vehicles are of great concern regarding the safety and reliability of autonomous driving. 95% of road accidents in the European Union (EU) are caused by human error, where thousands of people lose their lives every year.

Most autonomous vehicles, currently under development, have systems for the perception of the surrounding environment where they travel. These systems are designed taking into account the data collected by onboard sensors.

Communication technologies enable high connectivity for the transmission of data generated by sensors. They also allow vehicles to drive in a coordinated manner according to a centralized or decentralized decision-making strategy. This strategy allows the distribution of the large amount of data generated in autonomous driving that is in the Terabytes (TB) range.

This lecture intends to present the evolution of communication technologies for the interaction between vehicles, as well as a promising model called Multiple Access Periphery Computing (MEC) for the processing, storage and analysis of data generated by autonomous vehicles.

The convergence of the topics investigated, both communication technologies to meet the needs of V2X (vehicle-to-whole) communications, as well as Multiple Access Peripheral Computing to satisfy computing power capabilities, could be an option to solve the problems and limitations currents that autonomous vehicle perception systems present.



Héctor Orrillo, Professor at the Department of Sciences and Technologies



Mario Marques da Silva



Director of the Department of Science and Technologies