Access to 12th Grade – 2025/2026

Did you finish Year 12, do you have Portuguese nationality and did you take the national exams? You're in the right place!
Your Degree is here waiting for you! Check all the conditions to start this journey.

  • Submission of Application: from January 13th to April 17th, 2025
  • Results Announcement: August 8, 2025
  • Registration Deadline: September 5, 2025
Who can apply?

Students who cumulatively meet the following conditions can apply for this competition:

  1. Hold a secondary education course or legally equivalent qualification;;
  2. Have an application grade equal to or greater than 95 points on a scale from 0 to 200.
  3. Have taken the entrance exams in 2022 and/or 2023 and/or 2024, and/or 2025, required by UAL for this course and have obtained in these exams a grade equal to or higher than 95 points on a scale of 0 to 200;
  4. Not be covered by the international student status regulated by Decree-Law no. 36/2014, of March 10, amended and republished by Decree-Law no. 62/2018, of August 6.
Serial Criteria

Candidates will be ranked for their respective courses by assigning an application grade on a scale of 0 to 200, calculated using the following weighting: 50% for the final secondary school grade and 50% for the respective entrance exam grade. Candidates must respect the minimum grade of 95 points in the entrance exam and 95 points in the application average. Candidates will be ranked in descending order of their respective application grades and their placement will be made in the existing vacancies.

Place of submission of the application

The application process is completed by uploading the required documents. The delivery of original documents is required at the time of registration.

Errors or omissions made when filling out the application form, or in carrying out the application process, are the sole responsibility of the candidate.


Replacement of entrance tests with foreign exams

One of the conditions for applying for enrollment and enrollment in higher education is the possession of entrance tests that allow assessing the ability to attend the intended course.

For students enrolled in a Portuguese secondary education course, the entrance exams are carried out through national secondary school final exams.

For students taking non-Portuguese courses legally equivalent to Portuguese secondary education, the entrance exams may be replaced by final examinations of subjects from those courses, in accordance with the provisions of article 20.º-A of Decree-Law no. 296- A/98, of September 25th, in its wording updated by Deliberation nº414/2023, April 18th.

Candidates who, under the terms of article 20.º-A of Decree-Law no. 296 -A/98, of September 25th, in its current wording, intend to replace the entrance tests with final exams of legally non-Portuguese courses equivalent to Portuguese secondary education must complete the application made available.


Enrollment and Registration

The placement only takes effect in the academic year to which it refers, meaning that the right to enroll and enroll in the establishment and study cycle in which the candidate was placed expires if it is not exercised within the set period.


Exclusion of candidates

Candidates who:

  1. They have not filled out their application form correctly, either because they omit some element, or because they indicate others that do not correspond to those contained in the documents delivered;
  2. Do not meet the conditions to submit to the competition;
  3. Have not completed the instruction of the respective processes within the due time;
  4. Make false statements.
Mandatory Access Documents

The application process must include:

  1. ENES 2025 Form: document proving the holder of a secondary education course and the respective grade and the grades obtained in the national final secondary education exams corresponding to the entrance exams required for the study cycle to which he/she is applying;
  2. 1 Photograph;
  3. Photocopy of the identity document;
  4. Photocopy of the Tax Identification Card;

Candidates with nationality outside the European Union must present a declaration of honor stating that they are not covered by the international student status and a declaration with the length of residence, issued by SEF. Furthermore, the declaration must specify the type of residence.
The institution may request other documents that may be relevant.


For more information call 808 29 29 29 or write to

Date of last update: 01/11/2024
